Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Character Backgrounds 1: Cop Guy

Hey everyone!!!

So nice to (sort of) see you guys again!! (thanks for coming back after last week's subpar little blog at then end, still sorry about it!)

Buuuuuut, besides all that, this week we'll be getting to a cool part in the project!!!!!!!!

(It's my favorite part too by the way)


Man do I love making and developing characters, it's a whole awful lot of fun, so, I won'y keep you reading the intro any longer,today's amazing Geo blog will be about The Cop.

The Cop is a figure in the story who is supposed to represent power, justice and all that is lawful, but we're sort of twisting that a bit, (you know, with the whole brutality thing) but don't worry, he's still a good guy!

A older white man in his 40's or so would be an ideal person, but our resources maybe limited on that one, so he might end up being a young man, naive, yet bold. The policeman, (name undetermined) will be a man who has power on his end, but assumptions and poor decisions will take over, as he assaults our protagonist relentlessly, as for why he did it specifically it is not initially clear, whether it be he considered the protagonist a threat or something else, a look into his mind will be given in the actual film, although his distress and realization will also be portrayed in the opening.

The Policeman won't have a super prominent role in the film, but he has a semi-large one, considering he assaulted the protagonist.

TL;DR: The Policeman will be expanded upon slightly in the opening, but his conflict will be the main focus of it, he doesn't have a big part, only to elaborate on why he acted how he did and why.

"No matter how tough it gets I won't give up!"


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