Thursday, March 22, 2018

Setting, Mise-en-Scene, other detail oriented things.

Hey everyone,

Today I'll be giving you some information on where our opening might be filmed, and why it will be filmed there, I know it seems very cut and dry, but that's because it is, today will be very simple but informational, suffice it to say, I'm very tired right now.

As you all (Should) know, our film opening is about police brutality and criminal injustices and why they happen, it's a very simple topic to follow in mind but, relatively hard to picture in some instances, with the storyboard, (or the rough draft of it anyway) coming in this Sunday for you guys to read about, I'll just talk about the settings and lighting and atmosphere, it'll still be easy to follow

First off, as far as I'm aware we'll have 3 scenes, a scene where our protagonist is in his home, very peaceful, lighthearted atmosphere, so bright, soft lights will do, with lots of colorful, whimsical things around to set the tone of a normal/happy home. Our second scene is the transition from him at his house to a police invasion, then everything takes a sharp turn, as you don't expect it to happen.

(although to be perfectly honest, you might and probably do)

So for that I was thinking, dimmed lights, and use the same set as last scene (obviously) but significantly ravaged and wrecked, (camera shots and angles to come later), then for our last scene (hopefully), it's our protagonist on the pavement with blue and red lights around him, while he is struggling on the ground.

Anyways, I hope that the storyboard helps us organize because in the past i'm very good at abandoning my original story and doing something completely different, so I hope that it pulls through to bring an immersive and authentic feeling.

"What does the red button do if I press-"


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