Saturday, March 17, 2018

Workshops Part 3 (We're all going to die, what you need to know)

Hey guys!!!

Its your boy, back again with another workshop.

Today, its an interesting one, its about drones, and how to be safe while you operate them!

This can be useful for us because like taking areal shots and overheads, so to be safe while we operate them is very very important.

Our speaker was a man named Judd Slirka, he is currently a drone instructor and a teacher, he lectured us on the dangers of drones, while still taking some questions on the side, he talked about when its a little too windy out , not to use a drone, or when there's signals that might interrupt it, or when flying next to power lines, because then it may create a power outage.

Obtaining a drone license isn't very difficult but it is the legal way of flying one, yet many people don't actually have a license to do so.

All in all i think it was a good tip to get because we will be using a lot of high angled shots to show powerlessness and ascension and death, so knowing the legal ins and outs is very good, even for future references.

"We're going to crash Big Mom's Wedding"

-Geo :)

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