Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Workshops Part 1 (How to make an award winning student film)

Hey everyone!!

I'm back with a little more content to offer you while i'm away at Nashville,TN for Student Television Network!

Today I'm bringing you some information about a workshop that I went to, it was about making films and how to shoot and edit, so you can get the feel that you want for it.

The workshop was named "How to make an award winning student film", which is very appropriate for what we're doing!

It was a workshop by a man named Tom, its odd really, he never said his last name. Moreover, what he DID say was how to stay creative and reasonable during a film, and I'll tell you what he said, but first a little bit of info on Tom himself.

Tom is the executive producer of All American High School Film Festival, a website that holds many film festivals for students of all ages, and it also includes photography and photojournalism.

Back to what he said though, Tom said that to make a good film you must stay focused, but not close minded, he said to feel free to make changes, as long as they don't override your stories, which is honestly what i'd like to do with my film opening, because I feel like we change something every single day.

He also stated that shooting in real locations is very very useful to what you're trying to achieve, as it gives off a level of authenticity, instead of faking your location, although I think we we're heading to a slum to film anyway. Dress code was something very important that he talked about, "You want the people to look like they should be there, or else it doesn't make any sense", I remember him saying, which is important because it reminded me of the importance of mise-en-scene.

That was my first workshop, I'll bring you two more soon!!!

"Spanish is like a whole different language" - Gabi K

-Geo :)

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